Hand-created ceramic art for interior designers, upscale décor shops and art galleries
CBL Fine Art
CBL Fine Art
Multi-colored Palm Vessel PV-201603-001
Delivered 16 May 2016. Item #1 on invoice. SOLD
Earth-toned Elliptical Bowl EB-201503-003
Delivered 16 May 2016. Item #2 on invoice. EXCHANGED 08/17
Pristine Palm Vessel PV-201605-006
Delivered 16 May 2016. Item #3 on invoice. (Sold at half wholesale price as compensation for not being able to deliver another piece that was originally ordered). EXCHANGED 08/17
Mulit-colored Tall Vase TV-201605-005
Delivered 16 May 2016. Item #4 on invoice. SOLD
Multi-colored small tall vase TV-201602-01
Delivered 16 May 2016. Item #5 on invoice. SOLD
Multi-colored bowl BP-201602-001
Delivered 16 May 2016. Item #6 on invoice. EXCHANGED 08/17
Medium Tall Mottled Vase with Orange Interior TV-201708-002
Exchanged/Purchased August 12, 2017. #1 on Invoice
Large Multi-Colored Palm Vessel PV-201708-Exchanged 23 Jan 2020
Exchanged/Purchased August 12, 2017. #5 on Invoice
Small Multi-Colored Palm Vessel PV-201708-002; exchanged on 23 January 2020
Exchanged/Purchased August 12, 2017. #3 on Invoice
Tall Blue Vase with Stripes TV-201612-0016
Exchanged/Purchased August 12, 2017. #5 on Invoice
Abstract Sail Vase SV-201704-002
Exchanged/Purchased August 12, 2017. #2 on Invoice