Behind the Scenes: Inspirations

IMG_5126My mother-in-law is a painter and we have some of her beautiful watercolor paintings around our house.  She painted a lot of flowers, but most of her work was very abstract.  Before I started hand-painting our dishes, I would look at her work and wonder if I could translate some of that beauty onto our pottery.  In the beginning, I would try to draw a perfect flower, but soon I realized that perfection wasn't as interesting as different shapes and designs.  Instead, I started drawing flowers, not worrying whether or not they were perfect, and then complement them with abstract shapes that I would later paint in all different colors.  That is how the latest Jean Elton designs were born.  I use water color glazes to achieve the bright and varied colors that I saw in my mother-in-law's paintings.  And then I just draw and see where the shapes and colors take me.signature