An Eventful First Half!

The first half of the year 2011 has been an eventful one for us here at Jean Elton Studio!

  • In case you aren't following us on Facebook, you may not have realized that in addition to our online store and gallery, we are also now selling on Etsy!  We made our first sale within days of opening, and are excited to see where this will lead us.  In looking through the various ceramics, pottery, and other houseware items, we have found that our pieces are very unique.  It is rare to find such colorful, vibrant, and useful items made from such durable stoneware!

Hand-Painted Apple Mugs

  • We are also selling many of our pieces at a ceramics retail store in Sheffield, MA.  It is at the same location where we buy many of our supplies, including our tons of clay!  This is now the second retail location to sell Jean Elton (remember Space?).
  • We have already completed a large, customized order, and are in the middle of several more!  People who know what they want for Christmas gifts have let us know early in order to guarantee they will be done on time.

It's exciting to see what the rest of the year will bring!